Die Meinung unserer Kunden über ihrer Erfahrung mit Lodgis ist wichtig. Es erlaubt uns jeden Tag die Qualität unseren Dienstleistungen zu verbessern, un dann Ihnen bestmöglich zu erfüllen. Alle Bewertungen sind von unseren Kunden direkt über einen Fragebogen gesammelt.
13864 Erfahrungsberichten
Lodgis was very helpful and very professional in their dealings with me. They answered all of my questions and were very thorough (and speedy) in arranging my rental. I would definitely work with them again.
Everything was fine with the agency, as well.
Gostaria de dizer que foi uma ótima estadia,30 dias muito intensos e de muitas atividades e viagens a cidades próximas a Paris e a Bruges,na Bélgica;certamente muito contribuiu para isso,a segurança,a honestidade e a confiança que encontrei na Sra. E,que apesar de passar por um momento difícil,com a grave doença do marido,sempre foi muito atenciosa e solícita durante todo o período.O mesmo digo em relação ao apoio da agência Logdis,especialmente da Sra. Walquíria Brandão,que sempre repondeu com presteza e transparência às minhas dúvidas e questões.O apartamento corresponde ao que foi veiculado no site da agência,destaco a excelente localização,lugar silencioso e um ótimo banheiro. Enfim,tudo perfeito!Nota dez. Luiz Carlos
Très professionnel , comme toujours
Все хорошо, в дальнейшем на даюсь на сотрудничество.
En todo momento he descubierto una buena atencion y sobre todo la flexibilidad de los tratos.
Perfecta, Damien estuvo siempre muy amable y me facilitó todo.
I found the staff at Lodgis very helpful and efficient.
Efficiente e seria
Все оперативно.
Contact the agency is good. The agency employee immediately answered all the questions on Skype. With the payment and insurance is no problem. С агентством проблем никаких. На все вопросы оперативно ответили по скайпу, с оплатой онлайн тоже без проблем.
Buena, bien dispuestos en la búsqueda de la solicitud, muy eficiente
Boa, sem problemas.
Mme Bennefoy, c\'est très bien occupé de moi, et ma très bien expliquer la procèdure. Je reviendrais vers vous à chaque fois que je viendrai à Paris Merc
Respuesta inmediata a todas nuestras dudas. Operacion simple y rapida para el contrato. Raphaele fue la persona con quien tratamos. Excelente atencion
Réactive et professionnelle
Schnelle Antworten
Fomo bem atendidos, mas um pouco confuso. Houve troca da atendente, mas não fomos comunicados.
Très efficace
L\'agence est bien professionnel. Pas de probleme. Merci beaucoup.
She helped me always.and listen patiently what I want. Thanks so much!! I appriciate her kindness!
Grande réactivité
Prestation tres professionnelle, rapide et efficace.
It was sometimes difficult to understand all of the information, but the staff was helpful.
Boa prestação de serviços.
Até o momento, tudo correu bem.
Le service et le soutien de l\'agence était super, Mme. Munhofen était exceptionellement gentille, serviable et surtout rapide. Merci beaucoup!
Auch über die Agentur kann ich nur gutes sagen. Meine Betreuerin war sehr hilfsbereit und gab mir immer gut Auskunft, auch noch nach dem Vertragsabschluss.
大変てきぱきと迅速に対応してくれました。申し込みから入居まであまり時間がなかったのですが、的確に処理して下さったおかげで、スムーズにことが運びました。大変感謝しています。 They were very proffesional!! Responce was very rapid and advice was very correct. Althoug there was not enough time between my first contact with them and my arrival at Paris, they arranged me the very proper room smoothly. I thank them very much!
no problems, very quick to respond and helpful
Hat auch alles reibungslos geklappt. In kürzester Zeit gab es die Antworten und die Mietverträge. Bin begeistert wie leicht es war. Die Dame von der Agentur war immer sehr höflich und nett (E-Mail-Kontakt). Danach gab es die Kontaktdaten des Eigentümers.
Staff was very nice and answered all questions necessary. Having English-Speaking staff was a definite plus for us. It would have been more helpful to have the agency also arrange for payment of the entire transaction, instead of having to make arrangements to wire payments with the landlord. Other than that, everything was great!
The agency did a very good job. Also good at communications.
Relation avec Mme de Camillis parfaite : réactivité, gentillesse, précision. J\'ai beaucoup apprécié aussi de pouvoir signer le contrat électroniquement. c\'est un plus important par rapport à d\'autres e-agences avec lesquelles, il faut éditer les 2 contrats (agence + propriétaire), les remplir manuellement, les scanner et les envoyer par mail. Le nombre d\'appartements proposés a atteint une taille intéressante et l\'offre est large.
Merci beaucoup à Chiara & Mathias .
Hilfreich war die Kommunikation auch in deutsch. Schnelle und kompetente Hilfe u.a. auch bei der Suche nach alternativen Wohnungen.
Generally I receive a good service, I felt to much delay between the request and the response, but in generally everything was ok. En general recibi un buen servicio, senti que hubo mucho retraso entre la solicitud y la respuesta, pero en general todo termino bien.
Ótima, resolveu e orientou no que precisa. É só perguntar...
very professional
Completamente satisfactoria. Ningún problema.
Agence professionnelle et efficace.
Ottimo, molto preciso ed eficace.
good, some times when phone calling too much delay.
Very quick responses to my questions. She helped me a lot in finding an apartment that suited all my wants and needs.
Very nice and helpful agent. Thank you for all your help!
Todo sucediò como lo estipulado. A pesar de nuestras aprehensiones por haber hecho el contacto desde tan lejos no tuvimos ningùn tipo de problemas. Ademàs fuimos asesorados cuando lo necesitamos por su representante.
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