Looking for a furnished apartment to rent for at lease a month?
Take advantage of Lodgis’ Best Price Guarantee!
Lodgis is currently the only agency that offers the lowest price for your stay.
If you find the same rental for a lower price* at another agency, we will offer you the lowest price for your entire stay.
* Lowest price for your entire stay: rent + agency fees + miscellaneous fees. Offer valid on rental listings with the same apartment under the same conditions, before signing the lease with Lodgis and after your application has been accepted by the property owner.
Charges for furnished rental of this this apartment include:
services by the owner with the accomodation: water consumption
required services for maintenance of the building (except particular specification of your lease): common areas maintenance, garbage tax, sweeping tax, lighting of common areas
Additional fees for your stay :
Monthly energy bills : Electric power
Agency fees: max 15 € (including)/m² for a lease subject to French law n° 89-462 of July 6, 1989 or 15% TTC of the total amount of the rent for a lease not subject to French law n° 89-462 of July 6, 1989. iFor more details, go to the Lodgis fees page.
Garantee deposit: up to 2 months' rent (according to the lease signed)