Paris furnished rentals barometer / 2017 first quarter

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+0,5%: prices remain steady in the capital!

Baromètre Lodgis de la location meublée à Paris : les chiffres du 2ème trimestre 2016

In Paris, the cost of furnished rentals is slightly increasing during the first quarter of the year: €36,97/sqm in average, that is to say +0,5% compared to the same period in 2016. While the Observatoire Clameur displays a -0,8% rent reduction on the whole Parisian rental market, furnished rentals emerge unscathed. Lodgis observes a slightly clearer rise with arrondissements located far from the center of the capital, where the price per square meter climbs of 2%. Only the center of Paris which covers the most expensive rents, experiences a negative, but however limited, variation of -0,2%. So, the trend which generally applies to the Parisian furnished rental market is stable, naturally following the price inflation.

French tenants are on the rise

Around 36% tenants of Parisian furnished rentals come from the French territory, a 5% increase compared to the first quarter of the previous year. The capital attracts more French tenants domiciled in the region or abroad, for a temporary lodging in a furnished rental. Representing 31% of the booking in the course of the three first months, Europeans keep a stable position in the ranking. Conversely, foreign tenants coming from far-off continents, such as Asia (-2%) or America (-1%) are slightly declining in the panel, even if their combined shares represent a third of the total tenants (33,3%).

Les origines géographiques des loueurs de meublés à Paris au 2ème trimestre 2016

Personal grounds for stays are more numerous

Statistical data of tenants' grounds for stay in Parisian furnished rentals are pretty much the same from a year to an other. Professional reasons – temporary relocation, trainings, few-month missions- show a certain stability with more than half (52%) of the bookings. So, the companies' demand to accommodate their partners on a trip, stays constant. The same goes for student tenants: a third of furnished rentals in Paris host a university population or students taking course in famous schools.
Only the share of stays for personal reasons grows by going from 13% to 15% between 2016 and 2017. Indeed, furnished rentals enable to find a temporary solution to situations such as work in the main residence, supporting a relative who's at the hospital or even provisional housing after a divorce or a return after living abroad.

Motif du séjour des locataires en meublé à Paris au 2ème trimestre 2016

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