Rent or sell your property easily

Property owners

Do you own an apartment in Paris, Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Strasbourg, Toulouse or another big French city and would like to sell it or rent it out? Entrust it to Lodgis!

Lodgis is a real estate agency specialized in the French estate market which offers, since 1999, apartments to rent out or sell in French big cities (Paris, Aix en Provence, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Strasbourg, Toulouse, etc.).

A multilingual and innovative agency, Lodgis is wellknown among a large number of international and national owners, tenants and buyers. Nowadays, Lodgis is considered a key player in the French real estate market. More than 9.000 owners trust us.

Want to sell or rent out your apartment? Entrust us your property! A dedicated Lodgis consultant will help you through your real estate project.

Entrust us your property!

Rent out your property

From promoting your property online to the electronic signature of your lease, Lodgis helps you to quickly find the best tenant for you.

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Rental property management

Want to delegate some, or all, of the management of your rental property? Lodgis proposes 3 offers that adapt to your needs... starting at only 3.9% (tax incl.)!

See our offers


Lodgis' Sales Team guides you through your real estate projects in order to sell at the best price and as quickly as possible.

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Owners: Lodgis is here to help you in whatever big city french you’re in

6 good reasons to entrust your property to Lodgis

Our services for landlords

Practical Advice

(3548 reviews)

Gentile Sig.ra Lombardi, tengo a ringraziarLa sentitamente per l'eccellente lavoro che ha svolto per la vendita dello studio di mia proprietà. Sono particolarmente soddisfatto del risultato ottenuto e della notevole professionalità con la quale Lei ha gestito la mia pratica. Oltre ad inviarLe i miei più sinceri complimenti, ho il piacere di porgerLe i miei più cordiali auguri per i Suoi prossimi progetti, dei quali mi ha accennato lunedì scorso. Che questa nuova tappa sia un bel momento di crescita e una nuova fonte di soddisfazione personale. Con vive cordialità, D. B.


bon contact et rapidité de traitement


Efficacité et professionnalisme. Bravo

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