1 bedroom furnished apartment Paris 1°
Languages spoken by the landlords :
With Lodgis for more than 19 years
Les remises de clés (entrées et sorties des lieux) se font de 9 heures à 18 heures du lundi au samedi.
En dehors de ces horaires :
- de 18 heures à 19 heures du lundi au vendredi, supplément de 50 euros,
- de 9 heures à 18 heures dimanche et jours fériés, supplément de 100 euros.
DPE réalisé suivant la nouvelle méthode applicable à compter du 1er juillet 2021
Logement à consommation énergétique excessive
Click on one room in order to see the pictures.
This apartment consists of a living room with wooden floor and its double-glazed windows. This very quiet living room is furnished and equipped for a comfortable stay: linen, quilt, dining table, coffee table, wardrobe, cupboard, 2 chair(s)1 loft bed(s) of 140cm, 1 sofabed(s) of 140cm.
This apartment consists of kitchen with wooden floor and all the essential equipment for your daily life: hob, refrigerator, microwave oven, toaster, kettle, coffee-maker, dining table, cupboard, crockery, 2 chair(s).
With wooden floor and its double-glazed windows and view on courtyard, this charming room offre provides the necessary equipment for you to serenely rest during your stay: tv, linen, quilt, coffee table, desk, storage space, cupboard, 1 chair(s), bedside table1 bed(s) of 140cm.
Neighborhood's ambiance : prestigious
Station : Louvre - Rivoli
On the right bank of the Seine, the Louvre district is a neighborhood in the 1st arrondissement that stands out for its numerous historical monuments, museums, green spaces, and high-end shopping destinations. This district owes its name to its flagship address, the Louvre Museum, which is the most visited museum in the world. Spanning from east to west by part of Rue de Rivoli and Rue Saint-Honoré, this neighborhood, one of the least populated in Paris, is also one of the most pleasant to live in, whether year-round or for a few months.
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Nearby services :
Internet cafe - Supermarket - Newsstand - Butcher/ Delicatessen - Bakery - grocery store - pharmacy - Restaurant