Former suburbs annexed to the capital by Baron Haussmann at the end of the 19th century, then a working-class neighborhood, Belleville, in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, is characterized by great urban diversity, numerous green spaces, and an extremely dynamic cultural life.
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In the Belleville district, which has inspired many songs and serves as a backdrop in several films, reflect the influences of a migrant population, notably through Asian and African shops and restaurants. This welcoming neighborhood, ideal for strolling, is also an important residential area.
Cosmopolitan (Jewish, North African, and Asian communities blend perfectly), the Belleville district is synonymous with diversity, both in its shops (Chinese, Vietnamese restaurants, kosher and halal shops, markets, exotic grocery stores, etc.) and in its overall neighborhood life (urban and green, thanks in particular to the Belleville Park, still too little known, whose belvedere offers a beautiful view of Paris). In other words, renting an apartment in Belleville will allow you to discover Paris in an authentic and original way.
If Belleville is the most populous neighborhood in the 20th arrondissement, it is no coincidence. Indeed, both the great diversity of its housing and the high number of services devoted to daily life make it a highly sought-after neighborhood by Parisians. If you are looking for accommodation in the capital in an authentic neighborhood with a strong cultural dynamism, Belleville meets all the criteria! Having undergone two major urban renovations, the first in the 1970s and the second in the 1990s, the neighborhood now displays a fairly unequal real estate offering, between lofts and modernized buildings in "New Belleville", on the heights of the neighborhood, around the Parc des Hauts de Belleville, and the more recent projects concerning the planned development area of Rue Bisson, Couronne, and Belleville, near the Belleville garden, located on the hill.
By living in the Belleville district, you will benefit from the presence of vast green spaces, including play areas for children. Regarding educational institutions, you should have no difficulty finding a school for your children, between the De Belleville elementary school and the Françoise Dolto and Jean Baptiste Clément colleges. For the little ones, numerous nurseries are available in the neighborhood: in addition to the municipal collective nursery, you will find several associative nurseries. Finally, every Tuesday and Friday, the Belleville market is held on the median strip of the eponymous boulevard.
Living in Belleville allows you to enjoy a dynamic cultural and artistic life (widespread Street Art in the neighborhood). Opportunities for walks and outings, whether nocturnal or not, will not be lacking (thanks, among other things, to the numerous bars that will liven up your evenings with friends) if you opt for an apartment rental in Belleville. Moreover, since the neighborhood is well-served by public transport, your furnished accommodation will be well located. You will be able to move around - both outside and within - the arrondissement easily. Check out our furnished apartments for rent in Belleville.